Progression Through Thought

After rescheduling my meeting with Andrew to Friday and having a good discussion about the direction of this project, it has now become more than just the questionnaire.  The questionnaire is just the beginning of the works which leads to a performative area.  Depending upon the responses I receive from those I engage with in regards to the questionnaire, this will inform the actors I hire to play the roles of people from my past and present.  I am going to construct a description of the individual and this will be all the actor has to understanding the other person.  Of course they will also have the questionnaire to read off and that may also inform them on the other persons behaviours, mannerisms and personality.  I am excited to see what shall come from this and what performances will be revealed through this process.  What seems to be important at this present moment is finding out all the ethical and legal procedures one needs to take in regards to people being questioned and the actors, reviewing artist and finding the right wording which easily allows the outsider to connect with the work, and people to want to be part of it and the various video concerns I need to think of.  For now I shall focus on the artist and what I can steal from them.  This shall be under another post. Until then.

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