Continue Exploring New Ideas And Processes

I’ve been expanding on and exploring the idea that came to me the night before.  Thinking of various ways that I can create a test where the answer I receive stimulate a variety of emotional responses in me and therefore how the portraits end up being produced (what rules or processes they would need to follow). First I shall go into what ideas I had come up with then next into the various forms of representation that may become present within my work.  These will come from particular theory’s throughout history to select artist and how they manifest their work.

Alright for the ideas I’ve been pondering on.  The first stage of thinking I came up with the main idea but it was rough.  I want to create a personal test where others will answer depending on a scale of agreeance  to disagreeance. It would probably be in this order – completely (strongly) disagree, slightly disagree, neutral, slightly agree, completely (strongly disagree.  From here the question in this test I want to be somewhat personal.  Possibly come across as determining various factors of my personality but also might cause a bit of discomfort within others because I am not sure if these will remain anonymous or if I want to know the identity of each person.  I think that could make it rather interesting because it may allow for my varied responses in me to each answered question depending on the person taking the quiz.  I am not entirely sure how many questions there will be as that all depends on how many qualities of portraiture I want to add into this and what qualities others have used. Examples of questions could be;

Do you find Tim attractive?

Do you think Tim is intelligent?

Do you think he is creative?

Do you enjoy his company?

Does he annoy or frustration most of the time?

Is Tim kind?

Is Tim Thoughtful?

Do you think Tim deserves to be living the way he does?

And other questions along that line.  I think it would be good to have a fair amount of questions but there would need to be a correlating quality or process in order for the work to be easily produced.  I also thought it would be good to have each emotional change the outcome and depending on if they pick agree or disagree will also change the response.  The emotional responses I am going to list will be happiness, sadness, joy, anger and anxiety. I think one way in which I can determine how each process and rule respond to the emotion will be be researching how artist and cultures have represented those various emotions through pictorial art.  I am going to do that once this update has ended.  The next part I want to talk about which is a still a bit vague at the moment are the qualities that are present in portraiture’s.  Here is what I have so far;













Negative Space

Those are some qualities I can think of at the moment.  I have done brief google searches but only find sites talking about photography rather than painting and drawing or even sculpture.  I think now I am going to see what I can find when searching for qualities in various artist but also see how we’ve represented these emotions over various cultures, societies and generations.

Brain Storm In The Dead Of Night

While lying in bed trying to fall asleep before I wake up early in the morning to head into school and make it look like I am busy I came up with an idea or a brief outline of an idea which may be of use to my work.  Because part of my thinking seems to always be interested with trying to get out of my way and see how an outsider truly sees me. Without the interference of my own defensive and automatic responses to what is being stated, I thought it would be interesting to some how create a test where it indicates how others see me.  Although there will always be my interpretation of their answers, maybe instead of it being a character analysis, the answers they give could determine the moves I make and therefore the work would consist of a series of self-portraits but from the eyes of the other.  I am not entirely sure at the moment what the test would consist of or how I would translate the answers into actions that can then be performed as a artwork but possibly using their answers to arrive at a score or each answer determines what moves I make and my emotional response to that can determine what sort of emotion the artwork is trying to capture.  An example is that the answers they give will determine certain process, such as the tools, materials, mediums and process I use but if I hear a criticism or a demand, if I react defensively or if I have a positive or negative reaction to it will determine the sort of portrait that manifest.  If its a monster or a hero.  If it will be an enemy image or something rather positive,  Maybe I could even come up with two sets of actions.  One will be positive and the other will be negative.  So if I have a negative response to their test then a monster will manifest but if I have a positive response to their test a hero will come forth and then each answer or score those answers get will determine the way in which the work comes together.  I shall expand on this tomorrow but for now I shall let rest take place.

Beginnings Of A New Semester And Complete Overhaul Of My Work

I had my first conversation with my supervisor, Andrew, yesterday (Thursday the 20th of July, 2017) and it was rather interesting.  I felt I didn’t give much in return (other than the occasional yeah, yep, yes, hmmmm) but I did get a lot in return.  It seems that my direction has completely changed and now I am going to do some research as well as consider what approach I want to take in making art.  The first idea which I want to discuss is a process based approach and how this could unfold through my art.  What steps would I take to produce the art and what connections can be made between the art and my thinking process.

What possible process could I construct and how would it manifest through my artwork.  Although Andrew did mention one method which was to record my conversations throughout the day and transcribe those into text.  Once this was completed I could construct a colour code chart which indicates the emotions I was feeling throughout the conversation and that would become the art.  I did have a bit of hesitation with this because I receive a large portion of joy whenever I create art through a hands on process such as drawing, painting, sculpture, or even digital works (static and moving images).  So how can I keep this hands on approach or this form of translation when it comes to producing works.  That is a tough question.

Possibly one way would be to record my emotional states and changes throughout the day.  I could take that and convert it into a chart of some sorts or at least some way that translates these emotions into a number or even a colour or possibly both.  From here I would create steps for each number and colour.  Maybe negative emotions subtract from the whole and positive numbers add to it with each day starting at zero then I would possibly place them in numerical categories.  An example of this would be;

1 – 5

6 – 10

11 – 15

16 – 20

And of course the negative numbers would be arranged in the same manner.  From here then I would have to consider to emotions and the intensity of the emotions which would correlate to a particular number once combined.

Negative Emotions





Positive Emotions





Maybe instead of putting a number on the emotions I could place a particular colour which I feel closely resembles the emotion or gives a feel of the emotion but I can foresee an problem in that or at least a problem that may occur for me.  That being that I’ve become to associate particular colours with particular moods and I don’t necessarily believe those to be a true reflection of anything.  More of an unfortunate association which has been formed between humans, the way in which we translate light and the emotional states which we experience and this has become heavily embodied within many cultures and social circumstances.  An example of this which I feel can be easily seen (although I may just be continuing this trend by explaining my examples) would be sadness and the colour blue.  Firstly, just look at the organisation which is trying to fight depression and suicide.  Its called Beyond Blue.  Therefore there is an established train of though which connects the two.  We even say we are feeling rather blue.  Also another cultural connection for the westerner between the two can be found within a childrens animated movie, Inside Out.  In this movie you can see how well connected our emotions are to certain colours.


The characters from left to right. Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear and Disgust.  You can see how well established this idea is for us in the west through a single animated movie.  You can see how emotions have become established with a set colour when being expressed within an artistic and creative process.

I am kind of left at a stand still as I am not entirely sure what or how I want to head forward.  Maybe it will come to me soon.

Continuation Of The Psychological Jargon And The Online Test Of Self-Assessment

I’ve decided to continue this journey through the completion of various psychological test that aim to establish my mental state and if its considered stable or not.  Here I go and boy, have I found a smorgasbord of quiz’s one can take online to establish their sanity in today’s age.  The website can be found here.  The first one I am going to take is an ADD test.  The results are in.


The next test that I am going to partake in is the anxiety test.  Here I go. And the results.


Next is the Autism/Asperger’s test and the results are as followed.


Instead of announcing each test in order they are taken I’ve decided to post all the results in order and then construct my response from there.















These are all the test I am willing to complete as I’m finding they a tad tedious.  I still don’t have much of a interpretation based around these test but I feel I shall complete one more from a different site which is called the Big Five Personality Test to see where I am placed amongst its myriad of disorders and through that possibly what creations I can construct. Unfortunately in order to see the full results I had to hand over money which means I only see a brief overview of what they believe I am and here it is.


I am not entirely sure what I take from these test.  A swooping summery would be that I am depressed, isolated and seeking release from my mental anguish.  Maybe my art could be a reflection of those emotions brooding within and the characters are a reflection of that.  Just how to construct them and what process would be needed for that to come to fruition is the tricky part.  Possibly I will know once I’ve spoken to my supervisor.

Psychological Jargon and Methods of Evaluation

Now I am going to pursue these set of psychological character assessments which seem to have become so ingrained in our western culture.  The first one I set out to tackle was constructed by none other than Carl Jung.  A man seemingly at the front of Psychological jargon and evaluations and a man who has become so heavily associated with the field of study its hard not to look into the trains of thought which others have adopted so easily.

It seemed that his ideas were based around our consciousness being separated into two distinct categories.  That being functions and attitudes.  The first, functions, seemed to be ways in which the consciousness comes to understand “reality”.  He separated this into another four categories.  Those are Sensation, Intuition, Thinking and Feeling.

Sensation – to the initial interaction with our reality without any interference via context, imagined realities, etc.  Its the base response to the perceived external environment.

Intuition – Refers to an innate perception and reflection of reality that is based around reading and understanding the feeling or movement of a situation rather than relying on an objective understanding.  It also adds an immense amount of imagination to the situation which pure objectiveness doesn’t provide.

Thinking – Is all about trying to understand the truth of the situation, whatever that may mean or be.  Its trying to remove all the false analysis that is being brought to the surface and based on a purely intellectualized understanding of reality.

Feeling – This is all about the decisions one makes in regards to ones preference of any given topic or subject purely on the emotional response one has.  Either disliking or liking something based upon the emotions stimulated by the topic or subject in question.

Mr Jung separates these four into a two distinct pairs which are perceiving and judging -or non-rational and rational functions.  The non-rational are Sensation and Intuition while the rational functions are Thinking and Feeling.  This continues to be broken down into several different categories until we arrive at a point where several personality types are introduced.  It seems there are two types of functioning humans in this world, they introverts and extroverts.  These two are extended with the four categories mentioned above a myriad of identities is born.  Now I’ve done a bit of searching and found several test which I can take that will declare my own personality. according to this scale of measurement and therefore place me amongst the masses.  I am going to take several of these test, upload the results and see what connections between  the identifications and symbols I can make in my own art.  What form of characters will manifest through this process but also I am going to ask other people to do this test on my behalf to see if my perception of self is an accurate reflection of others experience.  That is the one thing that I’ve been pursuing for a long time.  As long as I can remember and I strive so hard to see the truth in this reality.  If my own understanding is a direct reflection of peoples experience of myself and therefor a truer understanding of who I am or if I’ve constructed these monsters, devils and enemy images out of my own anxiety in response to others responses to me.  If the person I beleve I am is just a fabrication of anxiety due to my own misinterpretations of others and what comes after I’ve discovered the answer.  Where does this leave me and whom shall I believe in.

The first test I am going to take is one called the 16 personality test which is based around Mr Jung’s reasoning.  This test is broken down into a series of questions where you answer either agree or disagree.  There are seven answer you can give with the central one being neutral and either end being the high end of agree of disagree.  Here I go.

I just completed the first test and I have to say some of the questions are rather vague on their wording and (personally) don’t allow for much of an answer to come forth.  They also try and get you to place yourself in one category or another, such as calling yourself productive or unproductive, if you worry about such and such, if you find yourself doing this or that but how can I truly say if I am this or that if I don’t have any clear sample to compare myself with and even when I come up with a clear sample, how do I know this is an accurate or truthful examination.  Maybe if I changed the scope or the individuals which I am comparing myself to then I would arrive at a different conclusion.  Once that is done, which one of the conclusions I’ve arrived at in regards to my personality or my behaviors is an accurate reflection of this experience.  Anyway I’ve taken that test and here are the results.


The personality type which I’ve been labelled under is the mediator (INFP, -A/-T). The test results are broken down into several categories.  They are introduction, strength and weakness, romantic relationships, friendship, parenthood, career paths, workplace habits and conclusions.

This introduction gives a brief overview into my personality type.



I am not entirely too sure how to respond to this first section.  I feel a bit unease by it all as I feel it places me into categories that aren’t an accurate reflection of my personality as well as separating me (arbitrarily) from people who do not fit into those groupings.  Some what as an us and them attitude to the human psychology.  I think I will continue exploring the understandings these test are indicating.  I also found it interesting that they gave a list of famous individuals whom they believe sit in this category. Here are just some of them.

  • William Shakespeare
  • Joanne Rowling
  • Johnny Depp
  • Fox Mulder (x-files)
  • Lance Sweets (Bones)

The first section is the strength and weakness. The strengths of a Mediator are idealistic (their optimism will brighten the lives of those around them and win over their admiration while also showing that they see all humans as inherently good but they are just simply misunderstood. This helps them face hardship and hard times), seek and value harmony (believe dominating and powering over others is obsolete and seek to have all voices and perspectives heard by all people), open minded and flexible (a live-and-let-live attitude comes naturally to them and the refuse to be determined by rules.  As long as their own preferences aren’t question or challenged they seek to help all live as authentically as they can), very creative (through the combination of their visionary nature and open mindedness they are able to see the world through unconventional perspectives, allowing them to construct single themes from far-flung ideas), passionate and energetic (when the mediators mind is captured by those around them and connect to their beliefs they go all in and dedicate everything to the project.  Although the shy away from the spotlight they are the ones who are always first to commit to the task at hand), dedicated and hard-working (due to their far-reaching vision they are able to follow through even when times are tough.  This is especially so when they are working towards a goal that is enriched with meaning and purpose).

Now we’ve seen where they flourish, what downfalls reside within these people.  Here they are in order, too idealistic (they take their idealism too far and forget that those around them aren’t perfect. Setting them up for many moments of self-disappointment), too altruistic (they see a selfish individual before them due to their need to provide more than they are capable of.  This can lead them to committing to a single cause or purpose and ignoring those around them, especially themselves), impractical (when their imaginations are capture they often ignore the everyday activities that enable existence to continue.  Once their minds are set on a goal they can, at times, become so ingrained in the activity at hand that they forget to do simple acts, such as eating), dislike dealing with data (due to Mediators being in tune with their emotions and morality, any data that contradicts these can ultimately create a large portion of turmoil in their lives), take things personally (they have a high chance of interpreting the words of others as criticism and challenges which means they will go to extreme lengths in order to satisfy everybody through aligning all opinions into a happy middle ground), difficult to get to know (they are private, reserved and self-conscious.  This apparently makes it difficult for others to connect with them on a meaningful level as well as stimulating a great deal of guilt in the Mediator for feeling they haven’t contributed enough).

Next up I am going to combine two categories into one because they seem to align nicely with one another.  These two are romantic relationships and friendships.  The first thing I am getting from this is the continuation that the Mediator is a dreamer.  One who is lost within their own ideals of reality and this, in romantic relationships, can create a tear as no one can fill this position.  They believe they must come to terms with peoples imperfections and the discord with their imagined realities.  Although these fantasies can hinder the growth of longer term relationships, it seems that when the opportunity comes forth they enter these interactions wholeheartedly with dedication and trust.


They aren’t ones to rush into commitments as they need to reassure themselves that they are compatible with the person(s) before them.  One issue that can arise early on is their need to compare the person standing before them to those that exist within their ideal reality.  People can become so overwhelmed with their apparent rich imagination and moral standards that a rift can be established early on leading to a swift demise of the relationship and a place where the Mediator sees that no other results could have possibly unfolded.  Issue can also manifest through the constant bombardments of request that can come across as demands and criticism.  That the Mediator is trying to guide the other to exist as their ideal.  Although, for the Mediator, this would be them trying to help the other to grow and improve.  You may also find them to be passionate, hopelessly romantic but still respecting the others need for independence.  The worst to come from this personality type, in regard to these categories, is their need to push issues aside until the very last moment where nothing can help find a solution to calm the waters.  For less intimate relationships, they can find establishing these rather difficult.  This could be due to their need for personal connection but struggle within social gatherings.  Although they find it relatively easy to read the feelings and motivations of others their inability to lower their guards and prove insight into themselves creates a bridge that the other cannot cross with ease.  Sending them in the opposite direction.  It seems in order for one to feel a connection with a Mediator, they need to move beyond the guard that is set before them.  Once this is accomplished, the true personality is able to be seen and a connection can flourish.  Although this sense of isolation and removal will never truly vanish and they will always need a place to retreat from the chaos of social interactions, where they can calm their mind to the buzzing of existence.

The next category, which isn’t significant for myself at the moment, is parenthood. The Mediator is apparently a warm, loving and supportive individual when it comes to the task of guiding children and become lost within the joys of the child’s new found sense of exploration and play.  They are able to give their children the room and space to establish their own grounds of play and understanding while also allowing for the guidance that they have obtained through their experiences.


The downfall to their personality type is if the child cannot fit the ideal mold of their perfect reality then this becomes a tremendous burden upon themselves.  One that will also effect the child’s connection with the parent.  Apparently the ability of the Mediator to cloak their underlying emotions from the external other helps them to not only portray themselves as a good role model on the outside and therefore shielding their loved ones from their negative emotions but also indicate to the child what moral standards they seek to instill in them but also keeping a harmonious household.  One of the biggest challenges faced by the Mediator, especially those swimming in a sea of self-doubt, is having the ability to maintain their ability to articulate their own values of honesty while fitting this within the confines of the day-to-day activities that come with parenting.  It’s advised that they are paired with someone who has a stronger grasp on administrating the daily life tasks.

The next section, career paths, is especially hard to establish for the Mediator as they find the daily routine of many jobs to be numbing to their mental capacity.  They seem to need to find a place where their passion comes first and extend this further with education that can expand upon their “skills”.  Although it seems many find themselves succumbing to the need to continue this existence through monotonous and soul depleting occupations, if they Mediator can stick through with something they are truly passionate about then they are able to find that which is truly rewarding and authentically enriching.  This leads nicely onto the next section which is workplace habits.  It seems they need to be placed in an environment where they truly find value in the task at hand otherwise they will find no interest in completing the goals before them.  What they seek are a harmonious work environment, need to be able to connect morally and emotionally to their work and loathe the tedious bureaucratic tasks.  There is more to be said about this category but I grow tired of this examination and its never ending stream of information so I shall jump right into the conclusion before declaring my own.  That will contain far more exciting information because not only will it be about my interpretations of the information presented but also possible ways I can represent these ideas in drawing forms and characters.

I’ve decided to be lazy and paste the information on the site directly here for all you to see what they say.


Now that is over with we can get to the really interesting section, me and my thoughts about it.  Now if I am to condense the information down into narrow points, it seems that the Mediator is highly intelligent, creative and well read at reading others motivations and emotions while being highly guarded about revealing what is truly alive within themselves.  They are able to enrich the lives of all those around them by simply giving a sense they are present with the other person.  That they are aware of what is happening inside the other but can create distance because they themselves can not give the same in return.  They are reserved and shy but always will to lend an ear.  Now what can I take from this personality type and what characters can manifest through these particular articulations of human psychology.  I am not entirely sure at the moment and I think I shall return to this once I’ve completed some more test in my next post.  I hope I can find something which will allow for something of value and richness to spring forth.

First Entry and Exploration Of Western Rationales

Hello all and welcome to the exciting and bizarre world of my existence.  I am a emerging artist from South Australia looking to share my creations with the world and find the answers to these self-producing questions but before we dive deep into the mystery world of the human conscious, I’ll share a bit about my current status.  I am currently studying a Bachelor of Visual Arts at Adelaide Central School of Arts and I’m in my final year.  I couldn’t recommend it more to anyone who is wanting to expand on their creative tools through the traditional method , the schooling system, all of us will take throughout the world.  I have my own studio this year and we’ve been given the task of searching, researching and discovering for ourselves the driving forces behind our own making methods and the significance between our materials, techniques and conceptual frameworks.  In the beginning of this year I struggled to articulate my process in a manner the school was pursuing.  I started off with removing any identification with the creations themselves and looked at the value, in terms of momentary value but also the social and cultural value (if any could be found), around the works I was producing.

For whatever reason, I don’t truly know why but I have this deep desire to give all my work away without the restriction of a price tag.  This is some ways stops those who truly engage with any work of art from being able to possess it and therefore connect on a deeper material level (I consider emotional states of being to be material).  Unfortunately I came across two problems when focusing on such an approach.  The initial being that I couldn’t push this to a satisfactory level in terms of academic readings but also whenever I asked people to take the work or told them that it was completely up to them what they wanted to exchange for the work, it came across as me just wanting to give away the art to clear up space for more.  The genuine act of sharing with others and receiving such an amazing gift through this sharing wasn’t being received by those I wanted it to be.  That being anyone who truly engaged with my work and felt a deeper desire to take these works with them.  Because of these two reasons I decided to move on and try to create works through a more natural approach.

The more natural approach which I speak of is one of creation then reflection.  Rather than trying to think of my work before hand and the creations being a response to the idea.  The idea was a response to the creations or at least could only come to the forefront once the creative process was placed into action.  I started working on a larger work (one meter by one point eight meters) in only pen.  By doing so I was able to investigate the critters that would manifest through this autonomous drawing process.  What I began to discover was my works seem to concentrate themselves around two broad ideas of self.  The initial rationale is concerned with my own home taught way of understanding who I am, where I’ve come from and subsequently where I am heading and my position in the cosmos.  This has been adopted through my schooling, social environment and of course the culture to which I subscribed.  Unfortunately it seems most of these rationales come with a negative lens with which they are being viewed.  They are all about the negative aspects of my being which have been the driving force for much of my own anxiety and uncertainty.  I like to call them my “enemy images”.  They are how I view myself when I’ve done something which hasn’t enriched my or others lives and isn’t making living life wonderful.  Just to clarify, I didn’t come up with the term “enemy image”.  I came across this term while watching several videos on YouTube staring the fantastic and eye opening speaker, Marshall Rosenberg,  I will get into his ideas and philosophies a bit later on but for now if you are interested in learning more, head on over to YouTube and search for Non-Violent Communication.  The way in which these “enemy images” came to life was through disfigured, distorted, distressed and monstrous figures.  They are broken with varying line work (in the ink works) and through layering of texture (in my mixed media works).  The faces of these figures are slightly off center and aren’t aiming for perfection in the slightest.  They are, in some ways, how I’ve truly come to identify but now I just need to find a way for this to be read.

The next aspect of the self/Self is adaptations of Eastern thoughts, beliefs and ideas through a distinct Western point of view.  By this I basically mean I’ve spent many hours doing art while listening to various lectures by thinkers such as Alan Watts, Terrance McKenna, Ram Dass and others.  These ideas seem to focus around the removal of any preconceived notions of identity and self to come to terms with the true nature of our reality.  That the words we’ve become so accustomed to and comfortable with aren’t in fact an accurate reflection of our experience but rather completely inadequate at getting at the heart of it all.  The self which we all are is something far greater than that and cannot be contained within any set of symbols or designs.  I understand the irony in trying to use language to explain the empty nature of language but someone has to do it and for now its going to be me.  How these ideas came to be represented was initially through these silhouetted figures that were placed among the chaos but now I want to find another way to represent them.  That could come through building up figures through a landscape.  That way the figure comes to represent something which is greater than itself but it is very much part of.

Now that is out of the way and the first semester is over and I am left here trying to find various approaches in which my work can manifest through.  Find different techniques, materials and critical analysis that will allow of fascinating creations to unfold.  I am very fortunate to have the great Andrew Purvis as my facilitator and we are going to explore many ideas which will expand not only my thinking but also my technical capacity.   The first idea given down to me was to explore the themes and ideas which I want to pursue for next semester and see how my characters can manifest.  Would it be possible through western psychology to create these monstrous characters as a reflection of my personal psychological drama and can that be easily read by an external viewer.  What are the signs of my “enemy images” and how can I represent them in this creative domain known as art.  So sit back, relax and watch as all of this magic unfolds before your eyes.